Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy - a distinguished academician, eminent entrepreneur, prominent philanthropist, and an able administrator Message:
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today
Malcolm X
Hello everyone!
It has always been one of my dreams to establish an educational campus that would be quality driven and of the first rate, yet affordable to the masses. Hailing from a poor background, I have seen many families from this segment yearn to see their children scale great heights by exposing them to opportunities whereby they could get good education. Empathising with these people, I have ventured into setting up a system for rendering the best of the learning opportunities that would meet the needs of all the 21% century learners also keeping in view the big dreams of very eager parents.
At our SKI campus, we ensure that every student acquires the right kinds of skill-sets not overlooking the values and the culture where our roots of discipline are from. Our vision is just not to create a bench mark for ourselves against standards, but to prepare the young minds to lead a happy life and get equipped for facing the competitive world without hassles. With assessment techniques that render for gauging both academics and behaviour, we ensure that with a drive for acquiring the best marks, children are also motivated to be excellent communicators and leaders.
World knows it best that parents play a significant role in the academic development of their children. Their role does not stop once they find a right school; in fact it starts by then. Their motivation, monitoring, sharing and caring supplements our efforts to prepare them for life. Our robust team of dynamic and well-experienced teachers are sure to achieve the vision with the cooperation of the parents.
The methodologies we adopt for the teaching learning processes are many catering to all relevant educational theories. From PBL (project-based learning) through ABL (activity-based learning) to inquiry-based approach we plan for variegated instruction in the classroom to make learning more authentic and for sustaining interest in the classrooms. We target the language acquisition skills through LSRW (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and keep our learners academically engaged all the time.
Smart Class facility through interactive white boards in each and every classroom helps us address the various learning styles in the classroom and helps learners have a better understanding of concepts with speed and accuracy. All inputs needed for effective learning and to inspire students to perform their best are provided.
Self-confidence is the most important trait for a child to come up in his/her life and we have always focused our teaching methods in such a way that every child is self-motivated and grows up with infusing confidence.
As I quote jolly often, we have an open Fees Structure Policy. In-Fact our fees are more open that we display it transparently on our notice boards. My aspiration is to make the best of education accessible to all the masses.
We have started to work head-on to realise our dream of seeing our children as leaders of tomorrow. Parents, do join in our mission and together let’s succeed.
All the very best to all of you.
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
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